Saturday 10 February 2018

This is all about me now...

Starting this blog is for me. 

This is all about me now. 

I am a mother and a wife and teenage kids and my Mum living with us since Dad died. 

But it has always been about everyone else and what needs to be done for them, soccer, school, homework, inline hockey, work, work, work, work, mum's demands as she is 86 years old.

This year I started off wondering if I am happy and if life is going the way I want it to go. 

How could I be 47 years old and not really know if I am happy.  I should be happy!  I have the best husband in the world.  I have a great job and great kids and I do have a great mum, fantastic little dog and a great house.... but I feel like I don't have it right.  But why do I feel like that?  I have a dream life and family but I feel like I am lost and that there is more.

I have been sick with the flu for 2 days now and feeling really terrible.  I don't want to feel like this but it gets the better of me.

I want to write profound things in here but can't work out what I want to write about yet.  I am not sure if this is a blog just on my daily ramblings or of weight loss or of other things. 

Previously I have had blogs that have been about weight loss but I don't want to only focus on that.  I want this to be a place where I can get things off my chest.

My beautiful boys and hubby went grocery shopping this morning as I sat here feeling terrible and I also felt blessed that I have wonderful teenage boys and a hubby that do anything for me.

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